Tuberculosis Persuasive Speech

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If you’ve worked in the medical field, whether as a CNA or even a doctor, the odds are that you’ve encountered (or at least heard of) tuberculosis in some form or another. You most likely heard of it when you received your TB shot. As a person with a pseudo-phobia of needles, I remember the event quite well. In North America, tuberculosis is not a great danger and as such the majority of the population does not receive the vaccine for it. Only those who are the highest risk tend to get the vaccine, and that just happens to be personnel in the medical community. Surprisingly, tuberculosis can infect any part of the body but most commonly ends up in the lungs. This is known as pulmonary tuberculosis. Symptoms for tuberculosis can include anything
While they are most likely not being vaccinated against tuberculosis anyway, they are making their children and the rest of the community vulnerable simply by allowing their children to become vectors for other (often more deadly) diseases. I highly doubt that the people in Africa who suffer and worry about tuberculosis every day would give any concern about the false accusation that vaccines cause autism in children. Would you rather have autism, or be dead? In many cases those are the two options and the former is unwarranted as the CDC and World Health Organization have both concluded that vaccines do NOT cause autism. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to completely get rid of bad information. Even though the doctor who originally produced the article stating that vaccines caused autism lost his license and his work was found to be false, the damage is done. There will always be that portion of the general public who is uneducated and determined to remain so, and they will do their best to perpetuate their misinformation on the premise that they themselves know more than the culmination of all the medical community. The best defense you can have is to make sure you research your information from a reliable

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