Tragic Flaws and the Role They Play

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Tragic Flaws and the Role They Play Many Greeks considered tragedies to be the greatest form of literature. The characters in these tragedies, mainly the heroes, were not doomed from the start because of their fate, but rather had certain flaws that made them cause their tragic ends. These tragic heroes have been talked about for generations and have had their stories passed down year after year. These heroes, all having different tragic flaws, slowly bring their impending doom closer and closer throughout the story, accumulating different characteristics that also speed up the process. Therefore, the stories aren’t setting the heroes up for failure due to fate, but rather the heroes bring about their own downfall with their own characteristics. Many of the heroes possess similar tragic downfalls. Pride is usually the main characteristic that brings so many tragic heroes down. Pride was a main downfall that most heroes started with, and later, throughout the tragic, collected more. A combination of all of these cause the hero to eventually succumb to his final ending. Usually, t...

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