Traditional Society Essay

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Luigi Garcia, Evelyn Griffin and Nathan Choc
University of Belize
Sociology Paper 1

Traditional Society Traditional, we often think that it has to do with the past. In the past there have been and still are old civilizations which once where large in the world. In sociology, most traditional societies are related to the past events with an important role for custom and habit (Farooq, 2014). This type of societies does not like outsiders and does not have any political leaders. The only leaders they look up to are elders of the society to lead them. It is hard to communicate with these societies if one is an outsider. These type of societies tend to stick to their beliefs and traditional values of their culture. The population of traditional …show more content…

Instructor, Yolanda Williams wrote “A post-industrial society is a stage in a society's development during which the economy transitions from one that primarily provides goods to one that primarily provides services. In other words, the service sector, made up of people such as nurses, teachers, researchers, social workers, and lawyers, among others, accounts for more of the economic growth and wealth than the manufacturing sector, which is made up of people such as construction workers, textile mill workers, food manufacturers, and production workers. The economic transformation associated with a post-industrial society subsequently transforms society as a …show more content…

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