Compare And Contrast Essay On Modern Society Vs Traditional Society

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As time passes humanity tends to change, we improvise and build, creating new technologies and thriving in new locations. With humanity comes society, as humanity changes so too does this society. There are two main types of societies which will be discussed in this essay, traditional society and modern society. Traditional society revolves around family and its honor, and conservatism. Modern society thrives around capitalist ideals, and Liberalism. It can be said that traditional society has led to the up rise of the modern society. But I would say that a modern society is better off than a traditional one. Throughout the world there are countless societies which have switched over to a modern belief system, including the western society which Canada is a part of. Of the remaining societies a handful remain traditional. Traditional society is the first society which will be examined. Such societies as stated revolve around the family. It is always the family’s needs over the individual’s needs, an “Us Vs Them” mentality, one has obligations to their family that never ends. An example of a traditional society which operates such as this is the Sarakatsani society, …show more content…

A family with men who are not the stereotypical depiction of manliness, that being strong, stubborn, and brave is not a family looked at with much respect in the community. One of the best ways to ruin a family’s honor is to kill one of their men hence making the victim lose their manliness in the process. The blood leaving a man’s body is seen to represent their manliness being absorbed by the killer. The only way for the victim’s family to regain their honor from a murder, is for the murder to be exiled or killed by one of the victim’s family members, particularly the younger, unmarried brother of the

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