Tracing My Roots to Find Myself

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Many people have experienced something in their lifetime that has shaped their personality. In my case, it is not only my experience, but also my ethnicity that has set me apart from the rest in a positive way. As a Latino, I have been raised strictly following my culture’s traditions and living by important morals. Without my Hispanic descent I would not be the person I am today. I personally cherish being bilingual because If I did not know how to speak Spanish, I would not be able to communicate with my parents, family, and friends. I learned the importance of valuing my education due to the fact that many Hispanics do not have the opportunity to earn a degree in the United States like I do. In addition, I appreciate how imperative it is to respect your elders in the Hispanic tradition as a whole. After all, following my culture’s traditions and morals is what set me apart from my peers. To begin, the Hispanic community share various nationalities that differ in some way, but the Spanish language is something they share in common. Communicating in the Spanish language is a part of my culture and it is something that sometimes I take for granted. Ever since I can remember, my parents taught me how to speak fluent Spanish and it was one of their main priorities. At home my parents only allowed me to speak Spanish, but at school I would have to speak fluent English. My parents wanted to make sure that I did not forget my roots, culture, and language because they knew it would benefit me in the future. As a result, this definitely helped me communicate effectively while growing up and continues to do so today, which is why I am very thankful that my parents reinforced the importance of maintaining my language throughout my life. Be... ... middle of paper ... ...ed in college today. For these reasons, being Latino has allowed me to grow up according to my culture’s traditions and morals. Without my Hispanic descent I would not be the person who I am today and by tracing my roots I have realized that my heritage is ultimately what defines me. Who I am today represents a better communicator due to my ability of speaking two different languages. My traditions taught me how to conduce myself around any individual by being polite and knowing how to be respectful to everyone regardless of gender, race, or social status. Being Latino has helped me recognize the value of education as a privilege not a given. Many Hispanics do not have the opportunity of living in the United States and pursuing their career goals in such a successful country as I do, so I feel very lucky and it serves as an inspiration to follow my lifelong dreams.

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