Tourism has caused various disadvantages for host people

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This essay will argue that in developing countries the economic and environmental negative impacts caused by tourism outweigh its benefits for local communities.
Firstly, tourism has posed several destructive effects on environmental structure of the host regions where operating activities of tourism take place. Undoubtedly, the constructions of facilities and infrastructures as well as heavy visitation resulted by tourism could partly destroy the environmental sites. According to Archer, Cooper and Ruhanne (2005), the uncontrolled tourism development has adulterated and debased the aesthetic value and uniqueness of the local environment by unsightly hotels and other unplanned constructions of facilities. Being agree with this negative impact, Seviour (2013) shows an example of the long line of high-rise hotels along the Jesolo beach in Italy that offend most of visitors by its mismatch with the natural surroundings. This situation is getting worse in developing countries where the integration between tourism infrastructures and its indigenous environmental structure not have been put into proper consideration. Tourism mismanagement, intentionally or unintentionally, has corrupted the harmony between humans and the environment. Fletcher (1993), however, suggests that tourism has generated greater motivation for host countries to protect and maintain their fragile environments such as forests, beaches and wildlife parks. The creation of the Amboseli National Park, for instance, was considered as the remarkable conservation effort brought by tourism in Kenya. After his research 10 years, unfortunately, this example becomes a weak argument for the positive impacts of tourism when Knox and Marston (2003) point out the Amboseli Nation...

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... career market places in recipient countries, in particular where unemployment is still a major problem. Scheyvens, however, belittles this opportunity for the reason that tourism solely creates menial, seasonal jobs for local residents (Scheyvens, 2002). In Thailand, the poorly paid and menial job of chamber workers in luxury hotel is the example demonstrating for the plights of local people in such an outstanding holiday destination (Thailand, Tourism and the Truth, 2011). Furthermore, local people sometimes incur increasing taxes arose from the expenses of new facilities and infrastructures constructed for tourism development. In essence, instead of being operated as profit-maker for developing countries, tourism, if not put in the local interests, could lead to the high tendency in over exploiting the native labour forces and other resources in these countries.

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