Totalitarian Agriculture

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Totalitarian Agriculture

The idea of Totalitarian Agriculture is scary. Especially considering the fact that it is the exact type of agriculture that is being used in every civilization except for the remaining tribal peoples of the world. I will try to define Totalitarian Agriculture here:

“According to an ethics, followed by every sort of creature within the community of life, sharks as well as sheep, killer bees as well as butterflies, you may compete to the full extent of your capabilities, but you may not hunt down your competitors or destroy their food or deny them access to food. In other words, you may compete, but you may not wage war. This ethics is violated at every point by practitioners of totalitarian agriculture” (Story of B 260).

I will refer to the users of Totalitarian Agriculture as OUR culture because we all practice the same type of lifestyle concerning agriculture. In this paper, I will present the arguments against Totalitarian Agriculture, and also discuss its potential impact in the earth in years to come.

Origins of Totalitarian Agriculture

Human beings appeared on this earth hundreds of thousands of years ago and eventually formed into tribes. They lived the life of hunter-gatherers and flourished at it, although not to our standards of population explosion, but they prospered nonetheless. The population of humans steadily grew at a very calm rate, “On the average, our population was doubling every nineteen thousand years. That's slow---glacially slow” (The Story of B 288). Then something happened. In the region of land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now ancient Mesopotamia, and agricultural revolution was started bringing the practice of Totalitarian Ag...

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... Produce more food of course! This is a cycle that will lead this culture over the edge.

The idea of totalitarian agriculture was something that is very new to me. Upon learning what it was and the probable affects of it, I immediately wanted to learn more about it. This is something that everyone on this earth should know about because we are all a part of it. Our culture definitely has some changing to do before we can save the world. We need to save ourselves.


Quinn, Daniel. Ishmael. copyright in 1992 by Daniel Quinn. Bantam Books, NY.

Quinn, Daniel. My Ishmael. copyright in 1997 by Daniel Quinn.

Bantam Books, NY.

Quinn, Daniel. The Story Of B. copyright in 1996 by Daniel Quinn.

Bantam Books, NY.

Scarre, Chris. Smithsonian Timelines of the Ancient World. copyright in 1993 by Dorling Kindersley Limited, London.

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