Toothpastes Case Study

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This study aimed to compare the antibacterial quality as well as the effectiveness of different brands of toothpastes marketed in the world, were aimed for reducing the oral bacterial amount. One brand contained triclosan and sodium fluoride as antibacterial while the several of them contained sodium fluoride only and two were herbal. The percentage bacterial reduction or increases was calculated from the differences in bacterial counts before and after brushing. There was an increase in mouth bacterial counts after the use of six brands of the toothpastes, in saliva bacterial counts after use five brands of the toothpastes and in teeth has no bacterial counts after use after using different brands of toothpastes. Teeth achieved the highest …show more content…

There are four main species in streptococci: mutans (make up bulky mainstream of what affects our mouth), salivarius, anginosus and mitis groups. In circumstance, the biggest offender in tooth decay as it encourages the production of enzymes and acids. Oral microbes help with immune system to keep the body virus free by hostile virus-producing bacteria that attempt to come in through the mouth. The microbes are conducted to a person initial in their juvenile through their touching base with their custodians by kisses of food …show more content…

Toothpaste is used to stimulate oral sanitation: it serves as a course that prevents in eliminating tooth decay and dental plaque that can cause halitosis or bad breathe, and carries an active ingredients to aid tooth and gum. Mechanical action of the toothbrush achieved most of the cleaning capacity, and not by means of toothpaste. Fluoride – containing toothpaste can be acutely toxic if swallowed in large amounts. Fluoride has been proven to protect teeth against attack from bacteria. Triclosan – A compound commonly used for disinfection is another broad-spectrum anti-bacterial agent manufactured specially used in oral care. It has been shown to be active against many organism associated with plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath. Natural toothpaste are those without triclosan or fluoride content. They usually contain natural ingredients such as special mineral salts, and plants extracts like lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary, chamomile, sage, myrrh. This aimed of this study is to identify the bacterial present in the mouth, teeth and saliva of the human and determine the quality of the toothpastes on the isolated

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