Tom Petty's 'Into The Great Wide Open'

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How many 18 or 19 year olds make it to Hollywood and become a famous Rockstar?
Well our character is 18 or 19 old that just finished High school. After he got home he told his parents he was leaving. Moved to Hollywood California. Eddie meet a girl who has a tattoo. They moved together and had a good life. Tom Pettys "into the great wide open" tells the narrative of Eddie's rockstar Carrier,using different tones, and realistic events. Tom Petty's "Into the great wide open" is a poem about a rockstar who was open minded the fell right on his face.
After finishing high school Eddie was 18 or 19 years old. He moved to Hollywood California. When he moved there he meet a girl with a tattoo. The Eddie got a tattoo too. Eddie and the girl got an apartment together. Eddie found himself a new job as a Bouncer which is a security guard. Eddie's girlfriend taught him a couple chords on the guitar. Eddie played the guitar from heart. Eddie then got an agent. He also got himself a roadie named Bart. Eddie thought he was all that because he was hanging out with movie stars. Eddie bought himself a leather jacket that has jingles off of it. Then Eddie heard some bad news from the A&R man. The A&R man told Eddie that he didn't hear another single. …show more content…

I feel like the tone in this story is Limitless. Eddie made a record. Eddie also made the charts for his music. Another tone i used in this story is Disappointed. Eddie is buying things that is really expensive but he doesn't care cause he thinks he is all that. Eddie also thinks he is the best of everybody else he is being to cocky within himself. Another thing that Eddie didn't want to hear is the A&R man didnt hear a

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