Tobias Wolff

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While reading Hunters in the Snow by Tobias Wolff written in 1945 I became tied into and enjoyed the reading. The reasons I enjoyed the reading wasn’t like others reasons for liking a book. I tied into the book quite well as I admired one of the characters, his name is Frank. Compared to all the other characters in this story frank seemed to stand out to me for many odd reasons. Frank is a man you need to take a second look or a second guess at and that’s why I admired him right off the bat. Frank in the very beginning of the story after they pick Tub up seems to be your normal middle aged man out with his buddies on just another normal hunting trip. Man was I wrong. Frank said in the truck “stop bitching, Tub. Get centered”. At this moment I knew Frank was the character I wanted to write about as he showed me he was down to earth and a very simple man by just saying those five simple words. Frank didn’t just tell Tub to quit bitching like most people thought, but it says way more than that, it tells us …show more content…

Frank is a down to earth man that seems like he has all his stuff together, but the only thing that throws me off is that he doesn’t like to talk about his wife an kids. He seems as if he is not

happy with his home life but the other two wish they had what Frank has as they’re jealous of Frank. Not saying Frank is a bad person, but he definitely isn’t grateful for what he has. Later in the story I found out that Frank was having an affair on his wife with his kids babysitter. “I won’t say a word. Like I won’t say anything bout a certain babysitter” After Kenny said this Frank instantly got all mad an said “that’s confidential, shut your mouth”. Realizing he didn’t know Tub became curious and asking about the babysitter now. Frank than realizes that Kenny will not keep the secret as Tub put two and two together and realize Frank was having an affair with the

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