To What Extent Does History Repeat Itself

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believe that history does repeat itself, many of the ways our government works now is based on rules that were written about three hundred years ago. The presidents of the
United States have not changed, when Barack Obama became president he was the first
African American president in the history of U.S presidents. There are many ways that history has repeated itself whether it be for good or bad it has happened. Some examples of how history repeated itself are general ideas like economic crashes, assassinations, pandemics, natural disasters, and school massacres. Most British people in the 1700s moved to America to start a better life away from the king, that resulted in a revolution because no one wanted to be part of the kings reign,
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Another way that history has repeated it self it assassinations that happens all over the world at every time. Whether it is terrorism or bombing thousand and millions of people die from it. One example of this is in 1995 where in Oklahoma City two en that where angry at the government bombed a US federal building. It killed 168 people including nineteen infants and children. Another, one of the well known ones was the 9/11 attacks in New York. Terrorist crashed planes into both twin towers and killed hundreds of people that were working that day. Countries have won independence from other countries in recent history as well.
America won their independence from Britain in the 1700s an the Mexican people won their independence from Spain 1821. As well as when India won their independence from
Britain long after we did. History repeats itself in many way. Most recently there have been a lot of school shootings mostly in high school but some in middle school, this has happening before for example in Sandy Hook where kindergarteners where killed. There have been a lot of shootings in the past and present.
The government just looks upon the problem but does not do anything about them, so they keep

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