Persuasive Essay On Gun Shootings

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America, standing in fear, waiting for another mass shooting to break out in front of their eyes. More than 3,000 American Citizens die from gun violence each year (USA Gun Violence Stat.). Sadly, a fraction of the lives lost are mostly due to school shootings. This year alone, 52 school shootings have occurred, leaving 30 dead and 53 injured (52 School Shootings). From the mass murder of Columbine High School and Virginia Tech University to the well known Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, it becomes clear how ordinary people turn into brutal killers. The causes of these horrible tragedies are the availability of guns, media, and mental illness. Most of us know that America is the land of the free, where everyone is able to practice …show more content…

The questions on these forms are quite simple,by merely asking if one has either any mental illness or have committed any type of felony. If someone was not able to buy a gun, there are several different ways to obtain one. The current restriction on obtaining firearms are not tough enough to prevent mass shootings like the one’s in Sandy Hook or Virginia Tech. There are around 270 million to 310 million guns produced in America(Guns, Hundreds..). The more restriction on gun laws there are, the more harder it would be for someone to buy a semi-automatic weapon and shoot up a school. The availability of guns the main reason that many people die by guns here in America more than any other place. Consequently, our media, which provides us with important information or gives us entertainment, also takes part of the violence of school shootings. Violence media and entertainment might not affect some, but psychologically damage others. From video games to the local news, we see violence in forms, bringing fear, entertainment, and awareness. After the Sandy Hook attack drills were taken place in elementary and …show more content…

In their condition, they have no idea of their judgement and don’t know what they have done. On April 16, 2007, Cho Seung-Hui carried two semi-automatic pistols and fired close to two hundred rounds, killing thirty-two people and injuring scores more in the deadliest shooting rampage in our nation’s history. After careful research, Cho Seung-Hui had been ordered by a judge to undergo outpatient treatment after he was diagnosed in December 2005 as “mentally ill and in need of hospitalization.”(Lillian, “Guns and Grief”) Due to the violence in media and Cho Seung-Hui’s illness people lost their lives and left loved one’s behind . After the massacre he decided to end his own life. Media, especially video games, are a main factor when it deals with the mentally ill.Schizophrenia is a disease in which a person cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction. With violent video games, mentally ill people might get confused between reality and video games. With this they might be mistaken for killing people and killing themselves, and to know they are not going to

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