To Kill A Mockingbird Pride And Prejudice Analysis

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Hideous, Grotesque, putrid, typical statements made to others. Most of the time people get their rude manners from their friends. The many things you say to people should be said by your knowledge and yours alone. Discrimination and judgement towards a recipient is a terrible thing to do just from a “friends perspective” on the subject. Judging people in general is obscure don’t get me wrong, but if you do perhaps judge someone, judge them by your own moral standards. For instance, in the book to Kill a Mockingbird, or “TKAM” for short, when Miss Stephanie Crawford says “ Boo was sitting in the living room cutting some items from the Maycomb Tribune… Boo drove scissors into his parents’ legs.. and resumed his activities”(lee 11). Miss Stephanie Crawford had told two children this by the names of Jem and Scout Finch, the main characters in the story. Miss Stephanie Crawford was not at the event that she so claimed was true, therefore she had no idea of who this child really was like, or if he had even done these acts as she so gratefully told.These rumors are never known to be the truth or not, however people still spread them everywhere with no regard for the victims own life. Another addition to the …show more content…

People see him as just another black man in the eyes of whites as nasty people who are obviously guilty when put on trial(lee 211). A real life example of the moral is in 2008 when people started making rumors that President Barack Obama was a Muslim. There is no reason why this accusation was started with facts, it is unfair and unjust. Another real life example of the lesson is by the treatment of African Americans by policemen. For instance, when a policeman in Oregon was claimed to of stated that “black people are animals”. This is absurd, not all black people are the same. This is a very racist thing to say about

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