To Kill A Mockingbird Examples Of Courage

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The novel to kill a mocking bird written by Harper Lee Is a novel of injustice, of black people in the 1930’s The novel brings up many cases of courage which we will be discussed, The narrators farther Atticus is a well-respected man throughout the town and teaches his children many things such as colour does not matter and that you have to respect the people older than you like Mrs Dubose, who is a grouchy old woman to the children even though she is one of the bravest characters throughout the novel because she is a morphine addict who had promised to get clean before dying, Atticus is one of the most well respected characters, He strives to teach his children Scout and Jem about how courage is always there and how you just have to look for it. Atticus wants his children to comprehend that on top of there always being courage, that there are numerous different ways a person can show ways of courage. …show more content…

She has a distinctive kind of courage that many do not see or talk about. She keeps to herself and is very timid, which means she sees through her problems and deals with them regardless of the result. In the novel, Scout, Jem and Dill were afraid of their neighbour Boo Radley and through seeing his life through his shoes they feel for him, they learn that he is very distinctive to what they thought. Scout antagonizes Boo as a “malevolent phantom” and this displays how they were brutalizing and dehumanising him. Through Scout, Boo is understood as a malicious ghost who has a gothic essence. Through the use of metaphor, Lee use of the metaphor summons up an image to share with the readers that Boo is a member of humanity to be feared by

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