To Kill A Mockingbird Message Analysis

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Harper Lee uses “To Kill a Mockingbird” to express views on things such as courage. The message Lee gives about courage is, Being courageous or brave is a key part of growing up. Lee uses the scene where Jem goes up to touch the Radley house to express her view on courage. “Besides Jem had his little sister to think of. When he said that, I knew he was afraid.” (14) This proves that Jem was scared, and Scout knew it. “ He walked to the corner of the lot, then back again, studying the simple terrain as if deciding how best to effect an entry, frowning and scratching his head. Then I sneered at him. Jem threw open the gate and sped to the side of the house, slapped it with his palm and ran back past us, not wanting to see if his foray was successful”

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