To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 15 Summary

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I have two questions about chapter fifteen. First of all, why did the mob leave? One answer that has come to mind is the fact that Scout talks to Mr. Cunningham. Scout notices Mr. Cunningham next to herself and she starts talking. Scout mentions stuff about how Scout knows his son and that she beat him up once, but he was cool about it. Mr Cunningham seems as if he is not even hearing one word Scout is saying. Even though Mr. Cunningham is not paying wonderful attention, Scout continues to talk to Mr. Cunningham. It is like for example, when a parent is talking to another parent and one of the parents children keeps whining for something. The adult continues to talk to the other parent, and just acts like they are hearing what the child is …show more content…

The members of the mob then simply get up and leave with nothing left to say to Atticus. My second question is why did Jem stand up to Atticus? One answer is that he wanted to make sure his dad was safe. He felt weary of leaving his dad there to defend himself against a bunch of wild men who smell of whiskey. I can relate, since I do not think anyone would leave someone the love in a potentially troublous situation. I believe Jem also wanted to help defend his dad. He was willing to help defend his dad against the malicious men that had come. Another answer to why he stood up is because he thought that somehow he and the other two children could help in some way. I anticipate that Jem knew that Scout could help in someway. Jem knew that Scout and him could help even though they are children. I believe that Jem thought that Scout could help if she started talking. And help is indeed what the kids did. Without Jem standing up to Atticus how he did, the whole book could have turned out to be a different story. In conclusion, the two most important questions that I have, can be answered in my own personal perspective/point of

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