To Get Rid Of The Evil Of Untouchlessation In Mulk Raj Anand's Untouchable

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There are three suggestions given by Mulk Raj Anand at the end of the novel to get rid of this evil of untouchability i.e. Christ, Gandhi and last but not the least flush system. In the novel we could find the glimpse of these suggestions when after the humiliations Bakha found peace in the teachings of Col. Hutchinson, who was a Christian and made Bakha familiar with the Jesus Christ and showered his love on him. Also when he went to ‘Gole Maidan’ he got to hear the speech by Gandhi who considered that to eradicate the menace of untouchability there is a need for social reforms. Another solution proposed by a poet Iqbal Nath of introducing the idea of modern flush system in toilets. Mulk Raj Anand’s” Untouchable” is a Dalit novel written by …show more content…

Whereas “Joothan : A Dalit’s Life” is an autobiography written by a dalit writer Om Prakash Valmiki. He is considered as a forerunner among those writers who laid the foundation of the literature of Dalits in Hindi. “Joothan” emerges from the realistic experiences of a Dalit who raised his status to prominence from his presence which is marginalised. His name comes under the category of those voices of writers who works for the empowerment of Dalits on their behalf. Being a Dalit himself, he faced the agony of being an untouchable as the family in which his birth took place was extremely poor and belongs to one of the lowest caste in Indian society. This community was not given rights to educate themselves and were not given even proper food to …show more content…

We need to study and understand the writings to Anand and Om Prakash Valmiki because their writings are an eye opener. We are able to precisely comprehend as to why our country’s caste system was one of the most evil systems in the whole world and the writings depict the ground reality that the Dalits were going through. Because of their eye opening accounts we get to realise how far we have moved forward from those dark ages and also how far we need to progress as a society in-order to eradicate the still existent evil practices which degrade the lives of Dalits (in/of) our country. These astonishing Dalit literatures are the reason why we as a citizen of this vast country got to realise that there exists an assortment of people who are depressed and oppressed living among us. Therefore there needs to be a mechanism where their voices are heard loud and clear. This in turn resulted in the creation sensitivity and empathy towards their lives which resulted in creating a genuine interest in the minds of people to work for these deprived people so that they can be brought up from the pit of deprivation and into the relm of quality living. Therefore, we can express with utmost conviction and vigour that Dalit literatures specifically by Anand and Om Prakash Valmiki paved the way in projecting

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