The God Of Small Things By Arundhati Roy

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From beginning to end, the novel, “The God of Small Things”, authored by Arundhati Roy, makes you very aware of a class system (caste) that separates people of India in many ways. This separation among each other is surprisingly so indoctrinated in everyone that many who are even disadvantaged by this way of thinking uphold its traditions, perhaps for fear of losing even more than they already have, or simply because they do not know any other way. What’s worse, people seen as the lowest of the low in a caste system are literally called “untouchable”, as described in Roy’s novel, allowing, according to Human Rights Watch:
“Discriminatory and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment of over 165 million people in India has been justified on the basis of caste”
Such novels like Roy’s should be read to expose us to the realities and perspectives of others, particularly those who are chained by their societies culture and themselves; while making us (readers) question and contemplate about culture and the chains we place upon ourselves. Making us aware and resistant to limitations put upon...

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