Exploring Word Choice in Naomi Novik's Throne of Jade

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Word choice is the use of words and/or phrases in writing. By using the appropriate word choice, the author can communicate a lot to his/her audience. Some types of word choices help establish the setting. Word choice can be also used by an author to reveal how the character feels in that particular situation. Word choice can be colloquial, sophisticated, or immature [more types, but not mentioned]. In Throne of Jade by Naomi Novik, sophisticated word choice is used to establish the time and setting in which it took place. So far, Laurence and Temeraire, his dragon, have been on a ship going to China. Now that the festivities have concluded, Temeraire has obtained a cold, probably from the other dragons that have visited the ship. Though …show more content…

This would be an obvious reason for placing such complex or sophisticated vocabulary. People from the country Britain are often known for their high vocabulary, and those people are who the story is centered around. The vocabulary helps the reader become better immersed into the story. Some time after, while change is very little and the mental, physical, and emotional state of the men on the ship is quite static, Roland and Dyer, sailors, need to catch up on their studies. By way of illustration, Naomi Novik states, “ . . . ; he only reproached himself for having been so lax about their schooling, and set about his newly self-appointed task as their schoolmaster . . . Roland and Dyer had been cosseted still more. Their daily struggles with participles and division were now looked on . . .”(151). By reading this quote, a very sophisticated mindset is established, including words such as ‘lax’, ‘reproached’, and ‘cosseted’. This form of word choice is one highly associated with past Englishmen. Also, this form of word choice is stereotyped with the British. Since the story’s protagonist applies to both of those, it would be better for the reader to assimilate into the 1600s - 1800s environment through advanced vocabulary.

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