Three Things That Make Me Unique Analysis

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The word “unique” describes me perfectly. While in reality, everyone is unique in their own way, I believe I have three “unique” qualities that make me different than most people. The three things that make me unique are: I’m never satisfied with my present situation, my hobby of daily fantasy sports, and my passion for fitness. Most people call me different, but that’s the beauty of life, in which everyone is different in their own way. The majority of people work till their content with their situation, but that’s where I separate myself. As a child, I use to dream of becoming a millionaire and seeing myself on TV. I understand only a small few reach that plateau, but I constantly tell myself that anything is possible. When I played tennis during high school, I always wanted an 8-0 score to my match. If I knew I was clearly better than my opponent, then anything less than that was unacceptable. Receiving a B in a college class is unacceptable to me, if I know I didn’t put my full effort and attention into that course. I encourage my friends and classmates to do the best they can on everything they do …show more content…

Some people say it’s gambling, but I believe daily fantasy sports consists of knowledge and strategy. I spend around 5 hours a week studying games and players to decide who has the best matchup and biggest upside. On weekends, people are looking for the best party to go to, but I’m doing homework and research for daily fantasy. The satisfaction I get when I finish near the top of a contest makes me even more determined to keep up my research and determination to be the best. Daily fantasy sports take a certain type of individual in order to be successful and I believe I fit that type perfectly. I hope one day I’m able to run my own professional sports team, and I believe the research I’m doing with daily fantasy can only help my mindset within that

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