Three Branches Of Government

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Branches of Government are legislative power, executive power, and judicial power. The founders wanted the power to be divided into three branches because the founders did not want all the power control by anyone else such as a monarch. Constitution divides legal authority into these three pieces. The Legislative Branch consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate combine form United State Congress. Congress has sole authority to execute legislation and declare war. Congress also has the right to approve or dismiss Presidential appointments. There are 435 elected members in the House of Representatives divided among 50 states based from population. House Representative are elected every two years. The House has authority to initiate …show more content…

Which handles Department of Defense and the Environmental Protection Agency, Social Security, and Exchange Commission. They also handle diplomacy with other nations. Both Executive and Legislative branches are elected by the people. Judicial Branch is selected by the President and Senate. The Judicial Branch is the Supreme Court of the United States. Judicial Branch is the highest-level court in the federal judiciary. The judges from the Supreme Court are not on a fixed term like other branches. The judges from Supreme Court serve until they either passed away and retirement. This is an explanation of the three branches of Government. I found an article in regards Democratic being defeated by Republican. This is the fourth lost in the House race this year. Many question if the Democratic losses are because the Democratic party was to focus on Trump instead of national issues. After reading this article and watching the video news clip. I feel that Democratic are losing seats in the House because people of the United States are so blinded by Donald Trump. I’m a Democratic supporter and to see that a lot of Democratic are losing seats in the House worries me. Donald Trump has only been President for six months, yet there are so many issues that are going on. For example, Republican Senates are reviewing the health care reform and trying to make changes that can

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