They Say I Say Summary

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Supermarkets and Junk Food Influencing People’s Food Choices In They Say/I Say, Chapter Eighteen is talking all about food, and the long term argument that has been going on forever: What should we eat? There are many good articles in the chapter written by many reliable authors, but there are two of the articles that really stood out. The first one “The Supermarket: Prime Real Estate” by Marion Nestle, and the second is “How Junk Food Can End Obesity” by David H. Freedman. Both of these authors talk about the food industry, one talks about how the supermarket effects the choices people make in their diets, and the other talks about how junk food and the fast food industries might just be the way to go to help Americans become healthier. Marion …show more content…

He tells an experience he had when he went to a healthy food place on a trip once, he got a smoothie that was good, but had a lot of calories and cost a lot more than what was reasonable. David then brings up his second try with eating healthy foods and specific healthy places. He tried a different flavor, which he could barely handle to consume, and the price was barely lower than the first experience with a longer producing time period. Finally, he finds the perfect smoothie, low in calories as well in price, thanks to McDonalds. After telling his readers about these experiences he brings up Pollan, another author in They Say/I Say, who is very against processed foods, who expresses that organic and whole foods is the way Americans should eat to become healthier. He states “The fact is, there is simply no clear, credible evidence that any aspect of food processing or storage makes a food uniquely unhealthy” (518). This leads into his last main point, about how changing diets should not be the huge change of completely eliminating fast food and going strictly organic/whole foods, but making small, unnoticeable changes in the processed food industries, fast

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