Theology reflection

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Faith is a human response to God’s Revelation. It is a surrender of our whole self to God’s will and a complete trust in him. Faith is a supernatural gift from God that we must work at in order to grow wiser and to understand God better. Faith can change daily based on the situation and must be worked at every single day. Faith is a supernatural grace that opens our lives to possibilities beyond our day to day experience. Faith is guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Faith is expressed in different practices such as prayer, service, and justice. My faith is moderate at this moment. It is not as strong as it probably should be but it is not low enough to where it would need severe attention. It is that way right now probably because I am constantly surrounded with ant-Christian or anti-God views and it can be difficult to ignore or overcome these views at all times. My Faith is the strongest when I am in the company of other believers and am supported in my Faith. This was especially true when I volunteered for a Luke 18 retreat and was chosen to be a disciple. The responsibilities that came with this job included leading a small group and giving a talk. The weekend really opened my eyes and I grew in faith a lot over the course of the retreat. A time in my life where my faith has been weak was during my seventh grade year of school. I had gone to a Catholic school from kindergarten to sixth grade, but during seventh grade year my family moved and I started going to a public school. This situation really tested my Faith because unlike at my old school, not everyone was Catholic or even Christian. Religion was completely shut out of everything and it was difficult to cope with. This made it hard for me to continue and better my ...

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...ts of my life. When he sings “Lord I come, I confess” It shows how I can always go to God for help and trust in him. This is powerful to me because it helps me get through my day-to-day life. When he says “Lord I need you” it reminds me of how much I need Jesus in my life and that he is always the way the truth and the light.
Overall, faith and discipleship are connected in the way we live our lives as followers of Jesus Christ. It is important to live out your faith constantly and you can do that through various works of discipleship. Chastity is about living a life of real love and it is deeply rooted in faith. Jesus is the ultimate model for Faith, Discipleship, and chastity It is important for us to not loose sight of what is important and to look ahead. This year ha been a wonderful experience and has deepened my understanding of God and expanded my Faith.

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