Theme Of The Stolen Party

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Society has developed the idea of social class to sort individuals into different groups based on economic, political, and financial status. We live in a world where inequality is based on our status. In “The Stolen Party” by Liliana Heker introduces Rosaura, the protagonist who dreams big. The main idea of this story is to bring attention to the social gap between individuals of different earnings, for example, the rich and the poor. The author tries to emphasize Rosaura’s plight while engaging the reader to see things through Rosaura 's eyes, the eyes of a young little girl. Toward the start of the story, Rosaura does not understand the impact that her mother’s social class has in her life. For example, at the beginning of the short …show more content…

The protagonist wants to attend a party she is invited to. It is Luciana’s gathering, a rich friend of Rosaura’s. Her mother tells Rosaura that Luciana is “not her friend” (9). At that moment Rosaura is angry and tells her to “Shut up!”(9). When she yells those bad words, Rosaura reveals that she does not want to hear the truth. Rosaura 's mother wants her to be informed that she is just the “maid’s daughter,” in the eyes of the rich ones (9). Therefore, Rosaura’s words “Shut up” reveal that she does not see reality in front of her. Furthermore, when Rosaura enters Luciana’s party, Luciana’s mother compliments her, saying that “[she looks] lovely” (10). This compliment and the other compliments uncover that she is being controlled by the upper class. Indeed, the upper class controls her by giving compliments and making her feel like Rosaura is one of them. She does not feel that she is being used. She imagines that she is finally accepted in their social group because of her beauty. In short, the compliments are a cause of her blindness regarding the impact that her mother’s social class has in her life. Moreover, another cause of her ignorance is Rosaura’s talent. She exhibits how great she is in …show more content…

Along these lines, Rosaura’s talent is a source of her blindness regarding the effect that her mother’s status has on her future. In summary, the initial segment of the story is that Rosaura’s lack of clarity towards caste in society and she does not understand that her destiny is characterized by her mother’s occupation. Toward the end, Rosaura begins to acknowledge little by little that she is not intended to be in a higher class of society. For example, in the middle of the story, the girl with a bow said to Rosaura that she is not Luciana’s friend. The bow girl knows everyone except for her. However, Luciana’s cousin advises Rosaura that doing homework together does not mean they are companions. Rosaura was angry and when nobody was looking “she [kicks] her in the shin” (12). By then, when she kicks her, Rosaura is demonstrating that she is a bit aware of the situation. She is starting to know that Luciana is not really her friend. However, she is not conscious about it and tries somehow to push that aside. In fact, Rosaura is partly aware that she does not belong in the upper class. Furthermore, when the party was over, her mother came to pick her up. While the protagonist is waiting for her gift, Rosaura thinks that she

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