Theme Of Thank You Ma Am

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In the story “Thank You Ma’am” by Langston Hughes, a hoodlum boy named Roger tries to steal a purse from a random lady who is walking down the streets late at night. The woman’s name is Mrs. Jones and the purse that Roger tries to steal is so heavy that is causes Roger to fall over. Mrs. Jones shuns him and brings the boy back to her place in which she drags him by the collar. In this story multiple themes emerge throughout. For example, being treated with respect can change you, sometimes second chances are needed, and forgiveness and trust.

The theme of being treated with respect can change you appears when Roger is in Mrs. Jones house. Langston Hughes states, “Roger looked at the door-looked at the woman-looked at the door-and went to the sink”(2) . This illustrates how Roger had an opportunity to snatch the bag and run out the door but since he was treated with respect he decided to go. In addition, Roger has changed significantly and disciplined by Mrs. Jones because he doesn’t have parents at home which shows he hasn’t been treated with respect and sincerity. Next, Mrs. Jones treats Roger nicely when she buys him a pair of shoes: “‘Now, here, take this ten ten …show more content…

Jones forgave and trusted Roger. At first Roger was trying to get away and take the bag but then he decided not to. For example, “The door was open”(2). Roger could have easily just ran out the door and took Mrs. Jones’s bag, but he decided not too. This shows how he learned that stealing would be bad and he felt loved in Mrs. Jones’s house. In addition to this, Roger could have easily ran away: “He could make a dash for it down the hall. He could run,run,run,run,run!(2). This suggests how Roger was considering the option of running. Roger considered running but he decided not too because Mrs. Jones had taught him a lesson and he now knew that running away and taking her bag is bad. In conclusion, Mrs. Jones taught Roger a lesson and therefore he knew not to run because he felt

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