Their Eyes Were Watching God Reflection Essay

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We have read multiple books throughout this semester and they all are tied together in many ways. They all have themes of family, lying, switching at birth etc. We did not read the book Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston but it fits into many of the themes we have seen in the books we read this semester. This book has many themes such as love, power, and language. I will be comparing how the different themes connects this book with many others we have read throughout this semester. This book had a theme of language. It was the southern dialect or how African Americans talked on the plantation. The type of dialect that made African Americans sound stupid and very
Uneducated. It made them seem like they did not even know how …show more content…

You do not really see a book where it is a single women doing good. They always have to find a husband that is of a high status. That shows you how much money played a role in society. Janine from Their Eyes Were Watching God is a great example of this. Even though it was more her grandma wanting her to get married to a man of high status rather than Janine. Her grandma finds her an older farmer named Logan and insist that Janine marries him. Not surprisingly Janine was not happy during this marriage. In my opinion someone else can not tell you who you should love and marriage. Setting someone up with someone just to let them get to know each other and hope everything to work out for the best and knowing someone and telling your grandchild that they have to get married are totally different to me. That is probably why most relationships back then were not that happy. You can not force two people to love each other. The marriage between Logan and Janine is a great example of marriages back then. He treated her like an object. Women were not supposed to be in love they were supposed to be in the kitchen cooking , cleaning the house, or taking care of kids. They do not have time for love. Even though that is not how it should have been. Our society now reflects that some now. A lot of men out their do not feel like women should be loved. Love in this society is not really there …show more content…

Which is not a good theme to have but then again it is so common with our society so we can not hide it. Jody insulted Janine’s appearance and she started screaming and yelling at her in front of the townspeople. He then beat her. I do not care how bad you are embarrassed you should never put your hands on anyone let alone a women. He did not just beat her he brutally beat her. I know he was the Mayor of that town but I am pretty sure Obama would not hit Michelle if she ever embarrassed him in public. I know it is different time periods. This was more acceptable back then than what it is now but that is still disrespectful and he should have lost all his power and wealth. Someone who is willing to put their hands on a women let alone their wife should not be mayor. That is showing his true character it is saying that he does not care if he embarrasses or hurts his wife in front of pretty much all of the townspeople. This theme of violence reminds me of Confederacy of Dunces. The character Ignatius was really violent towards everyone. He was more verbally abusive than he was physical. I mean he did form a riot to his boss. His mom is also a good example of violence as a theme in the books we have read throughout this semester. An exact incident is the one where Ignatius was going out the house in a pirate costume. He was going to a political event where he was going to be speaking and his mom would not let him go out the

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