Brief Story Outline Of The Help By Kathryn Stockett

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Brief Story Outline:
I am reviewing The Help by Kathryn Stockett.The Help is a powerful,truth-filled story set in the early 1960s in Jackson,Mississippi.It is a novel about black African American maids working in white households and being treated unfairly.
The book is narrated from the first person perspectives of three women: Skeeter,Aibleen and Minny.The twenty two year old Eugenia “Skeeter” Phelan is the daughter of a prominent white family who has just graduated and wants to pursure her career as a writer but it’s 1960s and her mother will not be happy if she doesn’t have a ring on her finger. She has been brought up by black maids since she was young, and longs to find out why her much-loved maid, Constantine, has disappeared.Aibleen is a black,wise maid who is raising her seventeenth white child.She dedicates all her work time to Miss.Leeflot,while trying to heal the scars left by her own son’s death.Minny,Aibleen’s best frend is short,fat and the sassiest women in Mississippi.She is the best cook but she cannot mind her tongue resulting having being fired from nineteen jobs. Stockett’s characters are strong, sometimes bold, yet sometimes silent. She adds humor and fun, as well as danger and intrigue in the novel. She has done a great job writing from the point of view of numerous characters. All three of them had their own chapter.Every character has a personality, goals, and a backstory.

Kathryn Stockett has very well managed tension in the novel.The novel starts with racial tension,which encouraged me to read the novel further as I am interested in racial issues.As we get further,tension spreads through the novel from racism to relationships,for example, Celia’s relationship with John.She shows lot...

... middle of paper ... theme.The main theme is rasisms,blacks being treated unfairly and being discriminated by the whites.These type of books interest me a lot and The Help shows us that things can change.I also liked the other themes,for example,bravery,all three main characters were brave and took risk to make a difference.
I liked how at the end of each chapter,there was suspense which made it impossible for me to stop reading.
3 things I disliked:
I didn’t not dislike much in the novel but the only thing I didn’t like was the language and the dialogues in the novel.I thought it was very hard to understand the African American slang.I had to read the text several times to completely understand it.
Except for this I loved The Help Kathryn manages to merge fact and fiction perfectly, exploring different emotions ranging from sadness to happiness-at times all in the same paragraph.

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