The way a typical Tanzanian businessman or businesswoman would conduct business

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1. Collectivism vs. Individualism:

Tanzania has collectivism culture because they are group oriented and has score of 27 on the scale of Hofstede. They belief group and family values are more important than individual desires. Whereas Canada has individualism culture because they belief in their own individual abilities and opinions. Collectivism cultural are indirect in their speeches whereas Canadians are very direct when spoken to. For example: When you ask a Canadian for help, they will answer you in a very direct way like saying yes or no. And he or she answers yes then he or she will giving you the solutions to the problem directly. But when your ask a Tanzanian for help, you will first have to tell them the story of what happened and also have to give them hints where you need their help or solutions. And then they will answer you in a very indirect way so you will not the offended. And if he or she cannot help you, they tell you a story of why they cannot do it, so you will not think they are rude for not helping you.

Collectivists tend to build trust before negotiating whereas individualists like to get down to business straight away. Therefore when Canadians get straight to business, the Tanzanians will consider Canadians are irresponsible and not respecting them. Collectivists like to consult with their group members before making any decision whereas individualists like to make quick decision upon the options they have. Therefore collectivists takes more time when it come to decision making because they like all parties in the group to come to agreement to issue.

The dinner party was not successful because Canadians officials are very direct in their conversations and many of the Tanzanian officials c...

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...y normally like to catch up with the recent events and get acquainted with each other's personal lives. But Canadian are not comfortable in sharing personal lives with business associate.

Canadian meetings are usually are well timed and organized. Punctuality, it's very important because Canadian like to start their meeting on time. People usually will begin the meeting by exchanging little jokes with each other because Canadian businessmen like to contacts their business in a more informal relax environment. But Tanzanians are not always on time and they expected that you should not be upset when they are late. Tanzanians meeting are generally formal and have open and end speeches whereas the dinner part did not have it. Therefore the informality of the meeting, the conversation style and the way they do business resulted the unsuccessfulness of the dinner party.

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