The World's Worst Habits

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The World’s Worst Habits
Many people are trapped in bad habits that they wish they never had. We as humans pick up habits, some are good some are bad. Some of us wear headphone for a long time. Late night cravings like pizza and ice cream might be a nice way to end the day, but its not good for your body. Sitting for hours in front of TV can put your heart and your eyes at risk. Smoking is a bad habit and everyone that smokes knows it. Webster New World explains the definition of habit, “A pattern of action that is acquired and has become so automatic that it is difficult to break”. Webster should have added of how to break the habits.

One of the most common habits is late night craving. We are always trying to stay apart and healthy, and that’s why we go on a run or to the gym, but sometimes is pass seven o’clock at night and we are watching a movie and all the sudden we see ourselves eating. Then the next day we say I wish I didn’t eat that pizza last night, because we know that if we eat late we put on weight. In a new study, from researches from Northwestern University...

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