The Ways that Shakespeare Makes Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet Dramatically Effective

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The Ways that Shakespeare Makes Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet Dramatically Effective

The play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was written by a well-known person called

Shakespeare in 1595. In the play Shakespeare has dramatically

presented the tragic story of two family’s enemies. The whole play

revolves around the two major themes of the play which are love and

hate. Both themes have an astonishing effect on the play. If we put

these two themes together it develops in to a tragedy just like it

does in the play as Shakespeare shows this in an amazing way in this

play. We know that this play is going to be a tragic play right from

the beginning as it says in the prologue that the madness between the

two families would end with a tragedy.

The story takes place in a city called Verona, where there are two

respectful houses which are the Montagues and the Capulets and these

two families have been at war with each other for many years. The son

of Montague is Romeo and he is deeply in love with Rosaline. As a

"cure" for his love, his friend, Benvolio, suggests that he should go

in disguise to a party in lord Capulet’s house. Romeo arrives at the

party, where he meets Juliet, the daughter of Capulet they both fall

in love immediately as if it was magic. Only after the party they

discover that they are from rival houses. Romeo expresses his love to

Juliet and they marry each other the very next day, secretly. Tybalt

is enraged by Romeo’s unwanted "visit" and he swears revenge. When he

sees Romeo again he insults Romeo and kills Mercutio, another

Montague. Romeo kill's Tybalt for killing Mercutio and as a

punishment he is told to leave Ver...

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...his new generation, the themes are

used a lot in many films such as ‘The west side story’ in Asian

Bollywood films and etc. I think that this scene plays a major part

in the whole play as this scene reveals a lot about the characters and

the main theme of the play. With out this scene in the play I don’t

think that ‘Romeo and Juliet’ would be a successful play of

Shakespeare because this scene is the only scene that contains the

real understanding for the audience. I think that this play from

Shakespeare is one of the best that I ever read as Shakespeare used an

amazing vocabulary to describe every scene in tremendous amount of

descriptive detail especially act one scene five, yet leaving spaces

of using imagination. The play was really hard to understand at first

but when I got used to it I really enjoyed it a lot.

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