The Dramatic Significance of Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet

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The Dramatic Significance of Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet

This scene is very important to the whole play of " Romeo and Juliet."

Mainly because its where Romeo and Juliet first meet and fall in love,

we also see tybalts anger which shows us the obstacles that will

become a problem in Romeo and Juliet's relationship. In a usual

Shakespeare tragedy the main character that is noble of birth has a

flow, which brings about their downfalls and death of others. " Romeo

and Juliet" kind of fits in to this, Romeos fault is that he rushes in

to things too fast but I don't believe this is the cause of Romeo and

Juliet's death. I believe other people are responsible for the death

of Romeo and Juliet. For example the families of Romeo and Juliet

could be both to blame, they should have ended the feud to set a good

example to the younger members of the family, if the couple didn't

have to hide there relationship there deaths may have been prevented

because they wouldn't have had to go to such extreme measures. Some

people may blame Mercutio for he left a curse on the both the families

as he died. Friar Laurence could also have been to blame for the

death, because he didn't get the message to Romeo quick enough about

Juliet not actually been dead.

Previous to act 1 scene 5, Romeo was presented by Shakespeare as a

sensitive soul and is in love with an older woman called Rosaline.

Shakespeare uses the idea of courtly love. This is when a young man

falls in love with an older women of higher social class, who is

usually married, but as the young man displays his love for her she

pushes him away, but this only inflames the love he has for her, th...

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...o and Juliet is one of Shakespeare most popular plays, I believe

it does have relevance on today's society, today we see many arranged

marriages, mixed race marriages, sometimes causing great distress to

the individuals concerned. The 21st century children growing up in a

muti race society find it easy to stray from the traditions set down

by there families leading to distress for both the young people and

there parents. Poverty and deprivation within the inner cities

sometimes leads to gang like cultures, which could create the same

scenario as Shakespeare's plot. The musical west side story brings

Shakespeare play set to music back alive, with scene set in America in

the 1950s. Shakespeare love and tragedy story brought to life again in

the two rival gangs the sharks and the jets ending in tragedy for 2

young lovers.

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