The Walk Of Faith: The Fellowship Of Your Faith

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The fellowship of your faith…
The word fellowship here literally means the “sharing of something in common” and that “something” that we share has to do with our faith. I like to call this our walk of faith because everything to do with our walk must have faith as the driving force.
Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:7 that we walk by faith and not by sight. Everything we do in this walk of ours is done by faith. If not it’s done in our own power and will not be very effective.
This outpouring or sharing of our faith is something we do with other believers. We have this in common with one another – our faith in Christ. This means first and foremost, sharing our lives with one another and sharing the work of the faith with one another.

May …show more content…

That’s great news! Our faith can be effective just like those giants of the faith in Hebrews chapter eleven we were talking about. We can see God move in great ways in our lives both individually and collectively just like we read about in their lives.
But I want us to notice how Paul tells us that our faith may become effective. This isn’t something that happens over night. It’s not something that comes into the life of every believer once they place their faith in Christ for salvation and are baptized.
We’ve all seen Christians that have been Christians for a very long time but their faith seems like anything but effective as they live out their lives for the Father.
No, this is something that happens as we live our lives for Christ on purpose. It’s something that happens gradually and grows more and more as we intentionally follow the guidance found in this passage. And that guidance is found in the very next phrase of this …show more content…

And the more you exercise your faith in this way, the more effective that faith will become - and the more effective your faith, the more effective your walk of faith will be. Others in church will be seeing you as one of those giants of the faith they look up to!

So What About You? How’s this working for you? Are there any thoughts you need to bring in line with the Word of God right now in your life? If so, take some time right now and ask the Holy Spirit to help you to take those thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).

My Prayer For You… My prayer for each and every one of us is that we start to intentionally learn who we are in Christ. But don’t just learn it with head knowledge. That’s vitally important but it doesn’t stop there. Then let that knowledge sink in and allow it to change you from the inside out as you learn to walk in the new you through the power of the Holy Spirit in your life.
Acknowledge these things you are learning as true for you and begin to walk in them by exercising your new faith in these areas. I promise you will see your faith grow by leaps and bounds and become more and more effective both in your own walk as well as your particular ministry in your local

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