The Voice Within

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The Voice Within Jodie sits on her bed, her back resting against the dull grey wall of her bedroom, staring out across the room at the imaginary dot on the back of the cupboard door. She always sits still now; she knows that escape from David is impossible. She doesn't quite know where he came from, but is sure that he has been there for a long time hovering in the back of her mind, making his presense known from time to time. Ever since Jodie was a child, there had been something odd about her. She would occasionally be caught talking to herself in the playground, or violently shaking her head from side to side as if trying to block something out. Teachers were slightly worried about her strange behaviour, but put it down to her age. After all, what child doesn't have an imaginary friend? She wasn't someone who confronted her problems, had no real friends, and had always been the timid, silent type. As time passed, Jodie had subconsciously been creating David, her hyper-aggressive alter ego. Consumed with all the pent up rage and hatred Jodie had buried for so long. He sort revenge. David's voice had become stronger and more demanding over the years, but had always disappeared after making him-self known. Two weeks ago Jodie awoke in a cold sweat, shudders wracking her body as the sound of David murmuring within her head continuously droned on for the first time in her life. Now, there was nothing left but to sit still, and listen. A tired, defeated smile slowly crosses her pale weary face, as David murmurs his displeasure at being locked inside her body. Her smile grows painfully large, as her dry, chapped lips crack... ... middle of paper ... ...whisper of a smile before she leans forward, and falls. As the sound of her tumbling down the stairs reaches the ears of everyone else, Jodie has already fallen to the foot of the spiral staircase, and lays silently, eyes still closed, with a small smile upon her lips. Her heart slowly stills, and the crowd who had gathered looks on as Jodie finally stops running. When Jodie opens her eyes she is in shadow, but there is moonlight above her. She is in the embrace of another, standing on an open little hill that overlooks a small lake. She leans her head on the shoulder of her lover, still holding her smile, and feels no unhappiness, just peace. She surveys the surrounding over her lovers shoulder, and slowly raises her head…………… Only to look straight into the face of David, cruelly smiling down at her.

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