The Trinity Research Paper

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The doctrine of the Trinity teaches that God is one in essence and three in person, however there has been continued marks that the Trinity is irrational and a contradiction of itself. One such argument is that the bible never uses the word Trinity. There are many things that may not be mentioned in the Bible, but to say that if it isn’t in the Bible than it simply cannot be, is a fallacy. God teaches many things and many a theologian to this day still debate amongst one another on what the Bible is really communicating. As humans we just simply cannot grasp all of God’s teachings and works. The word Trinity is simply capturing in word form the scriptural teachings on the unity the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as God. The Trinity is attested by many historical scholars to have been developed by Greek philosophy. The famous Greek philosopher Plato was one such figure who came up with the concept of the Trinity. Although he never explained or coordinated this belief, he held in a divine triad of God, the ideas and the world spirit. It would be later Greek thinkers that refined this concept into, “what they referred to as three substances-the supreme God or “the one,” from which came “mind” or “thought” and …show more content…

The United Church of God references the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge in their publication, Is God a Trinity?, that “The doctrines of the Logos [ the “word,” a designation for Christ in John 1] and the Trinity received their shape from Greek Fathers, who…were much influenced by the Platonic philosophy…That errors and corruptions crept into the Church from this source cannot be denied.” It would be during the second half of the fourth

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