The Trap of Materialism

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In the memoir, Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, Morrie an old man who has a terminal illness ALS in his last months teaches Mitch a man who has been half sleep all his life as Morrie would say, many life lessons, but one that really got my attention was that Money cannot buy love or happiness. Morrie would say that materialistic people think that money can buy love and happiness, but it is not true, neither of those things have a price. The importance of materialism in Tuesdays with Morrie. Many people are very confuse on what they think really makes them happy. Morrie all through the memoir shows us that what really makes happiness is being love and giving love. For example, when Morrie talks about family he said that it doesn't matter how much money you have, if you don't have the love and companionship of a family, you really don't have anything that is worth. Mitch is an example of the type of people that think money makes happiness because since the death of his uncle he has dedicated himself to work and not his family. Morrie says, “These were people so hungry for love th...

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