Tuesday's With Morrie Essay

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Development of Mitch Albom in Tuesday’s With Morrie First off, Mitch Albom is the main character and author of Tuesday’s With Morrie. He as a character develops tremendously throughout. In the beginning, Mitch is in simple terms busy. He is absorbed in his work. He is ignorant to the fact that he is not giving his wife the commitment and attention she deserves along with many other aspects of his life that are getting neglected. In college, he had dreams and aspirations become something that he was proud of. This was how he was going to go about his life, until his uncle died. When Mitch’s uncle died, he took this as a sign for him to go out and get rich. He left all his dreams behind in his search for money. He believed that this was the only way to live before something like the cancer that took his uncle would get him. He was so focused on ‘living’ that he never really did anything other than work. Mitch explains, “ …show more content…

This starts almost as soon as he first sees Morrie on the TV. He slowly reemerges from his focus in work. He spends every Tuesday with Morrie which is an accomplishment in itself. The more he sees Morrie the more his life begins to change in a positive aspect. Mitch has an outer shell. Much of adults in general have this outer shell. They shield themselves from showing who they are. They are taught it is easier and accustomed to hide emotions. Don’t show who you really are. If you don’t show emotion, it is easier. This is how lots of people go through life. Mitch finds himself doing this same thing. He begins to see life as it really is again. Mitch begins to think more about the bigger events and people in his life. A big step for him is when he offers to help Morrie out of his wheelchair. However, every time Mitch interacts with Morrie it puts a crack in that outer shell. Mitch begins to show emotion and that he really does care. Mitch begins to appreciate what he's

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