The Trait Theory: The Trait Theory Of Leadership

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The trait theory is more focused on the differ personality among individuals and suggested that the combination or interaction of different traits will form a unique personality to every individual (Cherry, n.d.). According to Northhouse (eds., 2010, p.15), the trait approach was the first systematic method during the early 20th century that seek to study the leadership. The leadership traits were studied to find out the certain traits such as exceptional intelligence, extreme persistence, extroversion, self-confident, achievement drive, flexibility and many other trait possess by the successful leaders. Amanda Williams (2013) stated that there is a latest study claims about the great leaders such as Sir Winston Churchill or Margaret Thatcher are all born instead of made with proven. Sir Winston Churchill was a prime minister and statesman of British who demonstrated enthusiasm, determination, and optimism to lead the country turn into victory during the World War Two which involved the Nazi Germany and the Axis powers. However, Margaret Thatcher was a first female prime minister and one of the dominant political figures of Britain who recommended of privatizing state-owned industries and utilities, regenerate labor unions, decreasing taxes and social expenditure across the board (BBC, 2014).
There are lots of scholars tried to recognize the physiological, demographic, personality, intellective, task-related, and social characteristics with the emergence and effectiveness leaders based on trait approach (Management Study Guide, 2013). Basically, successful leaders will possess certain interests, abilities, and personality traits which are diverse than the less effective leaders (Management Study Guide, 2013). However, it doesn’t ...

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...ommon trait that should be acquired by a leader who could let the followers walk along with them in trust. Another trait is cognitive ability which frequently defined as intelligence. The last trait is knowledge of business which is thought to be basic necessary for trustworthiness. However, the last trait is not seem to be that important because there are lots of examples of highly successful CEOs that did not know the business well and being brought in accurately because it is more likely to empower the destructive innovation. For example, Mukunda (2012) stated that even Tim Cook and Neville Chamberlain possess deep knowledge and can be very efficiency in a stable circumstance, but they are often cannot accommodate to excessive, unexpected change or are incapable to destroy the current situation, which an outsider feels freer to do (Harvard Business Review, 2012).

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