The Three Views

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1.) To start, the three views on truth are verum quia factum, verum est ens and verum quia faciendum. Simply put the views are ancient medieval and modern, however these go much more in depth. Verum est ens in English translates to “being is truth” and is the ancient way of view. Being is “what is”, it surpasses the surface of things, it does not see the object, and its view far surpasses the object. The ancient people viewed the world as a veil which meant that truth hides behind the surface of things. In simple terms the ancient people did not viewed things in a very religious and symbolic way. In their world God gives everything and what they see is the off spring of what God gave. After a little time that view crumbled and verum quia factum …show more content…

Belief described by Benedict is XVI is “It is a human way of taking up a stand in the totality of reality” (Benedict 72). He then goes on to say that knowledge cannot be judged the same as belief. Belief is a trait required by all man. As for the second half of that question, Benedict states that all men at one point or another are forced to make a decision on what they believe in. Benedict describes belief as taking a stand in the totality of reality. He states that man simply has to believe in something. For Christians believing in our faith means that we are entrusting our self to God. As for what saying that accomplishes, belief as stated before represents the future we are creating for our self, with that belief, it leads to a bestow of knowledge which eventually transports into a future that can actually be made. What that means is that one day our beliefs will come true and they will no longer be beliefs, but …show more content…

Personal character refers to the intimate relationships that Catholicism promotes, an example of this is Catholicism’s central formula, “I believe in you”. The best example of the intimate relationship, is the relationship that Catholics have with Jesus. Through Jesus we are able to experience God’s eternal world here on earth. Whether it be Jesus praying with his followers face to face, or his “unconditional devotion of himself to man”. Boiled down, the central fundamental feature of Christianity is the open arms, loving relation we have with God, as well as each other through the church and

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