The Supernatural Powers Of The Bible

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To live out the Biblical meta-narrative in our social and professional lives, how do we do this and where do we start?
God created us to bear his image, and in doing that, we are to restore the nation under his guidance. With knowing the bible is “one big story” and our part is to participate in “acts “of this narrative, it begins with restorative actions. (Goheen, 2005) confirms this and discusses the restorative powers of the bible, and how our lives are also shaped by one big story. So by having faith in the truth of the scriptures, we can show this by our work within the community, and in our chosen professions. With the bible telling the story of reality and how the world truly was and still is, our obligation is to embed the healing work into society.
By gaining the knowledge from this truth and learning what our purpose is, we can start by living the gospel through serving through the community. We can also learn in the classroom and undertake teaching others about our new knowledge of the scriptures. Chin (2014) confirms this with the idea of community in the classroom, an...

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