The Similarities Of War In Homer's The Odyssey

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Events that occur during war can change people mentally, emotionally, and physically. Some of these issues can be fixed or healed, but some cannot. Most of these wounds are thought to be modern issues; however, they are not. In the Odyssey, Odysseus was the lone survivor, which is similar to many stories from modern times. With the many recent wars to cause the damage to soldiers, many veterans have struggles. This also shows that the veterans need help when returning home. In Odysseus’ journey there are many shared similarities and differences with Modern-day wars in terms of mental, emotional, and physical damage, and how these events affect the soldiers during and after the war including how they adapt after the war. The Trojan War was the largest war during the reign of the Greek empire. The Trojan war involved the Greeks and the city of Troy in what is common day Turkey. With the duration of the war being ten years, this is a vast amount of time for soldiers to be killed or injured. The Greek and Troy powers went to war due to Menelaus’ wife Helen, who was kidnaped. This …show more content…

These wars, like the Trojan War, were against other countries, empires, or cultural groups. While the Trojan War was over Helen being kidnaped, which may seem ridiculous to readers, some of the modern wars were over similar issues. For example, World War II was started because the United States joined forces with other allies. The reason behind the war seems reasonable now, but in the future people may think the war started for no reason. Another example of a war is the Vietnam War. This war started due to the spread of communism. At the time of the war, United States citizens protested the beginning of the war because they felt it did not affect them. With the many wars that have occurred, most have caused more trouble to soldiers when arriving home, than when on the

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