The Seven Types Of Influence Tactics: Donald Trump

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Influence Tactics
Just as power is the potential to affect attitudes and behaviors, influence is the driving force behind the prospective change in behavior. Making a great or inspiring speech is one thing; but giving the speech and subsequently obtaining positive results by those who listened and influenced is where the importance of powerful leadership lies. This influence can be from a variety of sources and the influence tactics used by different leaders can vary widely. Additionally, a single leader can use a variety of influence tactics and can use them with different success rates. However, all leaders utilize at least a few of the influence tactics to wield their power and inspire their followers to make a positive impact on attitude and behavior.
The seven types of influence tactics identified by McShane and Von Glinow (2016) include silent authority, assertiveness, information control, coalition formation, upward appeal, persuasion, impression management, and exchange. These seven influence tactics can be utilized together or individually by anyone - a teammate, subordinate, executive or mentor. Influence tactics are used by everyone and in every type of relationship, including organizations and government entities. Hard tactics, silent authority, assertiveness, information control, coalition …show more content…

And interestingly enough, Donald Trump is a powerful leader in two different types of leadership roles. As a real estate businessman and influential leader in industry, Donald Trump has established a dominant network of businesses and business associates on a global scale. As the Republican presidential nominee in the United States political two-party system, Donald Trump has leveraged these same influences to increase his political following and become one of the two major party candidates for the role of the leader of the largest economic system in the free-world (Bump,

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