The Servant By James C. Hunter

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The servant by James C. Hunter tells what Hunter interprets as Leadership. He explains the story through a manager in charge of a large glass manufacturing plant. The author uses this character to explain leadership in a business by using religious overtones to help the reader understand the concepts better. The manager John must go through a journey to develop into a stronger leader since recently he has been having trouble both at work and at home with his wife and two children. On the work side of his life the plant he oversees recently has gone through an attempt for the workers to unionize which failed but has created unhappiness with the workers and caused upper management in the company to express dissatisfaction with John. At home his …show more content…

The lessons of leadership really do come through especially when the leader must get a large number of people to work together. The book makes leadership a key part into making a large group of people to all do their job while also cooperating with the other groups in order to fulfill a larger picture that the leader has. This is a key concept of emergency management due to them having to get multiple organizations from local, state, federal, and non-profits. This makes the leader have to juggle a great number of people to work in unison towards fixing the disaster. The book also explains that a leader is not infallible instead the leader has to always strive for bettering the organization. This is especially true for emergency managers who at sometimes will not have all of the cooperation or information necessary to handle the response and instead must be able to give up some power and authority on occasion. The giving up on power is hard for some but is necessary in order to complete the response. By showing people that you are willing to relinquish power and authority a leader is showing that it is not why he is in charge instead the leader is showing people that they are willing to do what it takes to get the job …show more content…

Hunter believes leaders can be anyone and that everyone if they truly want to grow into a leader can. This belief is throughout the entire book and he illustrates this idea by showing a wide cast of people learning to become a leader. The thing is to become a leader one must be open to changing things about themselves in order to better adapt in a leadership role. This changing from one paradigm to a new one is not easy but in the changing world of family, politics and business is often necessary to learn how to change oneself. By changing paradigm one opens oneself to the opportunity of becoming a better leader. The changing of one’s own paradigm is a common them the book goes over due to its importance ideas and practices that may have worked in the past fifty years is no longer one that can be used. An excellent example of this is one from the world wars when the U.S is invincible it is now more acceptable to view that the U.S is a global competitor in the world. And another paradigm shift is the term if it aint broke don’t fix it in schools and business now that term no longer holds true and instead one should continually try to strive for continues improvement in their

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