Spiritual Leadership Summary

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The book called Spiritual Leadership, by Henry and Richard Blackaby is about the being a leader. That the leader has a challenges that we have to face every day. It is also about being learn how to help other and lead them to the Lord. The first chapter one is called “The Leader’s Challenge”. The chapter start off telling about a story of a business men. Then it goes into talking about the leadership and the challenge that it face. The challenge that leader face is have to lead people that does not see them as a leader. Then it goes into all the different place we have leader like in business and politics. After this there is chapter two called “The Leader’s Role: What Leaders Do”. It start off with talking about leadership and how it …show more content…

Starting off the chapter talks about how the greatest place is because of it leaders. The leader is what makes a place. Then it goes into how each part of a leader is affected. After this it goes into how God works in a leader. Next, one is chapter four which is called “The Leader’s Vision: Where Do Leaders Get It, and How Do They Communicate It”? It start off with that ever leader need a vision and this is what Christian and non-Christian have alike. Then it talks about how vision help a leader to lead. It also goes into talking about where a vision a leader has come from and it could be many places. Then it list the sources of vision like vanity, need, and values. Then it goes into chapter five and it is called “The Leader’s Goal: Moving People on to God’s Agenda”. This chapter start off by telling a story of the author son. It a story that help understand how people will follow you and you need to have a clear direction. Then it goes into talking about the unworthy goals a leader can have. After that it goes into the worthy goal a leader needs to …show more content…

It goes into a story that explain the way people follow you when you move. Then it talks about how a leader can move people into one direction, but then change and go into another one. It also talks about ways you should not do this. Then it goes into way you should go about this. Next, one is chapter seven and it is called “The Leader’s Influence: How Leaders Lead”. This chapter start telling a story about navy and it explain how a leader influence affect people. In the navy a leader walk in the room everyone knows to respect him and honor him. Then it talks about spiritual leaders and a way they can leader is through their pray life. After this it goes on to talk about how a leader need to communicate right. Then the book have chapter eight and it is called “The Leader’s Decision Making”. The chapter talks about how a leader decision can affect everyone they are leading. Then it talks about when making a decision a leader have to do somethings like ask Holy Spirit to help them. Then it goes into that leader needs to be

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