The Roles Of Mark Anthony And The Power Of Power

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It is often said that there is always a woman behind every successful man. Some would however like to argue that the truth actually works the other way round. Women are greatly attracted to the flames of power and influence. Hence there is no surprise in the fact that many world leaders are supposed to have been the proverbial ‘Ladies’ Men’. The instances of womanizing rulers are available a dime a dozen. They have been operational in the medieval times. They are still in the fray today. Here we have compiled a list of seven men who, we believe, have done justice to both the roles of being a powerful world leader and a womanizing Casanova. 7. Mark Anthony Mark Anthony was a Roman General known for his promiscuous ways. He had traits of debauchery as well. He was reported to have taken eight wives in his lifetime. This charmer climbed his way up the social ladder through the virtue of his matrimonial ties. The most famous of his wives was the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, also known as the Queen of Nile. Cleopatra was an unparalleled beauty like no other and we can safely speculate that i...

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