The Role Of Discrimination In America

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argeting a child and treating them unjustly ? Some call this bullying – or is it discrimination?
Discrimination definition: the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people Source: Merriam Webster
Bully: someone who frightens, hurts, or threatens smaller or weaker people
Source: Merriam Webster
Frightening, hurting or threatening weaker or smaller people are all unfair treatments -whether to a person or group of people who are different than others.
My interpretation is that they are the same….. The traditional interpretation of discrimination is treating people differently due to differences in race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, etc…. In America, the majority of this ”discrimination” …show more content…

Gay marriage has become a political issue. We have laws on sexual discrimination – but our children are basically ignored by the law in discrimination actions.

I know that as a child I was bullied – I was little, super skinny (wish that stayed the same), quiet, and some other qualities that were the reason behind the bullying – and just plain MEAN kids. Where do mean kids come from? Well some are just experimenting – but others – well did you ever hear the expression “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?”
I don’t remember too much bullying to special education children. Where was that? I remember a little but nothing like I see …show more content…

In addition, I think airing my anger and discontent helps me to educate people.

Think back when the immigrants were first coming to the US. They were smaller and weaker and were treated horribly. Think about slavery – those people were a smaller and weaker group who were treated horribly. Think about gay people – smaller and weaker group who are fighting for equality. I could go on and on naming different groups.

Special Education children are no different – they are weaker and a smaller group – probably one of the easiest targets for mistreatment. Most of them are unable to advocate for themselves which makes their situation even worse than the other groups that are discriminated against. Unless people stand up for them and advocate, they do not have a chance….

So – again – is it bullying or discrimination – it is both!!!!!!

So – how should some of the actions be treated- as an issue of bullying or a legal issue. To the extent of the action and within reason, I think it should be treated as a legal issue

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