The Unjust Limitations Of Social Grouping

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Throughout the history of civilization, there have been countless identified groupings of people whose worth has been deemed inferior and have suffered unjust, prejudicial treatment due to biased preconceived notions. There are far too many discriminatory injustices and a great deal of such are established on the grounds regarding both race and gender. People are both categorized and judged based off ethnic backgrounds, gender, and numerous other meaningless factorials. This illogical means of defining people is degrading and unconducive as one should be judged by the content of their character because it is the actions derived from the standards they uphold themselves to that defines a person. Unjust limitations are composed irrationally …show more content…

Natural grouping categorizes people through independent variables such as race, social class to an extent, and many more. These variables are independent because the subject is unable to change them, aside from social class, because they were born into that particular grouping. Natural groupings are still susceptible to negative connotations as people are continuously discriminated against today due to skin color. Social groupings are those that are derived from the prejudices of groups of individuals about others within a society. This type of grouping is based off the perception of an individual that groups them due to their own deliberate action to look or feel a certain way. Social grouping elicits a negative response from those whom are being categorized because it attacks a person due to their looks, rather than classifying them based on who they are and what they stand for. Ian Hacking, author of Why Ask What?, concludes that these social constructs are formulated through the use of essentialism. Essentialism promotes the idea that an individual is no greater than the set characteristics that make them the way that they are. In regard to race, this concept enables the ranking of races which deems one inferior and another superior. This sets limitations upon individuals and disallows them equal opportunity to …show more content…

It is not only morally wrong, but also illogical to discriminate based on race or gender. Morally, racism is wrong in that all humans alike should be treated with the same respect and deserve equal opportunity. Gender should also be disregarded not only for the reason that a male may identify as a female or vice versa, but also because male and females are equally capable. Differences in race and gender should be eradicated from the mind in order for society to become more inclusive of all. I believe racialism as well as racism is unjust, illogical, and immoral because the color of one’s skin has no correlation to their moral values or standards they uphold themselves to. With holding differences between genders and varying races to any importance, how will society close the gap of inequality and live cohesively in peace with differing

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