The Role Of Beauty In Mean Girls

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One of the strongest human desires is the feeling of needing to fit into a certain group. Just think about it. When you were in high school, there were so many groups that you partook in, or wanted to be in. A staple of this example would have to be from the movie Mean Girls, and how Cady wanted to become a part of some girls who were known as “the Plastics.” They were skinny, rich girls who were known for their beauty by the student body. I’ve watched the movie multiple times and can never figure out who came up with the claim that they were the “most beautiful girls in school.” Now that I am thinking about it, that is where we are wrong. As humans are evolving, so are our standards of beauty in women. So, the real question I am trying to answer is what is beauty?
Women being “beautiful” has changed so much throughout the years. I remember how I used to be the skinniest and shortest girl in my class. I was always made fun of because I “did not have any meat on my bones.” Family members would make fun of me and ask me, “Do you eat?” “Do your parents feed you?” This only caused insecurities for me as I was growing up and I started eating more in hope to become bigger. It confused me as a child because I remember watching Mean Girls and thinking about why I was getting skinny-shamed, when Regina …show more content…

No one is ever right when it comes to what the correct standards of beauty is since everyone is so different from each other. Beauty was defined as happiness, but was later contradicted by a different source saying “Beauty can be ugly,” so what exactly is beauty then? I believe that beauty is an illusion, contributed from everyone you have interacted or have seen. Beauty is unrealistic, so women, and everyone else should stop trying to find what’s beautiful, and just be happy with who you are. Set goals for yourself and stop trying to live another’s dream based on what you see around

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