Definition Essay Beauty

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Beauty is defined as a quality within a person or object that gives pleasure to the mind once perceived, but everyone’s explanation of beauty differs. “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”. This statement is accurate in that what one individual considers beautiful is not necessarily what another individual may consider beautiful. That is because different objects are observed in different ways and why most philosophers couldn’t agree on what exactly beauty is. Although a person’s outward appearance can be defined by the term beauty, I believe that true beauty lies in the way a person acts and thinks rather than the way they look. Also, that beauty is defined through our personal experiences. Beauty is more than something visually appealing. Beauty isn’t just a perfectly painted sunset or the model in a Victoria Secret magazine. Today there’s so much emphasis placed on a person’s …show more content…

Another way to describe beauty is through experiences you’ve had. Beauty can be defined as a journey. A great example of this is beauty defined by a blind person. Not being able to see allows a blind person to define beauty using their experiences in life. Most blind people use their senses to help describe things. The human body has five senses: sight, taste, smell, hearing and touch. These five senses allow us to experience beauty in ways you may not have ever imagined. A blind person could describe flowers as beautiful because of their sweet succulent smell. Music can be defined beautiful by a blind person because of the tone in the voice or the emotional connection that can relate them to a past experience, like their mother singing to them as a child. The soft delicate touch from their significate other can be described as beautiful because of the gentleness and affection. Their experiences help them to develop a perception of beauty that they can’t get from

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