The Relavence of the Opening Scene of Mission Impossible Two as an Insight to It's Genre

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The Relavence of the Opening Scene of Mission Impossible Two as an Insight to It's Genre

Mission Impossible Two which was made in 1996 stars Tom Cruise in the

sequel to the blockbuster hit. Directed by John Woo the film should

contain fast paced action and a considerable amount of gunfire. This

is proven in the opening scene. The main protagonist, Ethan Hunt, is

first sighted by the audience climbing a mountain somewhere in south

America with no safety harness. Already there is the element of

danger which is typical of an action film. Also, later on in the

scene, he seems to be being chased by a helicopter. Another action

film then? I’m sure we’d all agree. However, many other types of genre

are revealed throughout the opening scene.

At the end of the scene a comedy genre is hinted at. The words by

Ethan “I’ll tell you where I’m going, but it won’t be on holiday,”

show that Ethan could be a funny man. This could make the film a

comedy or be a mixture of the two. A mystery genre is also hinted at.

From the scene the audience would be able to tell that something needs

to be solved to uncover the mission. Also when the glasses state “I

advise one of them be Mrs Norduf Hall.” This means it would appeal to

the audience as the perfect couple and would almost promise a romantic

side to the film. This would also make the film better and more

appealing to the audience. The different genres in the film don’t

necessarily make it one type or another. Instead it is a mixture of

the two.

This film contains a hard rock theme tune. This is inevitable in an

action film. However there is also a different style of music in the

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