The Qualities Of A Hero In The Epic Poem Beowulf

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A hero is a person that has everything you would look for if you were wanting a great protector and warrior just like this epic Anglo-Saxon poem, Beowulf, was first composed oral and later translated and written down by christian monks . This poem many have read it but nobody knew the author it was anonymous . The epic poem really shows the culture of the anglo saxons and what they believed in. That's why in the epic poem Beowulf his character shows and revivals these traits . The real anglo saxon hero traits that Beowulf is showing are generosity faithfulness and courage in the epic poem. Beowulf is someone that a typical human in that period of history would look up too and want to follow in his footsteps . As the poem progresses you see that beowulf shows a great deal of generosity to the land of Heorot . The king of this city is miserable and doesn't know what to do with this wretched monster Grendel who kills and eats men of the once great city . Beowulf “follower and the strongest of the geets “105 in a land far from this place has “ heard how grendel filled nights with horror” 110 …show more content…

The poem writes about beowulf's dad has been saved by King Hrothgar to beowulf is returning the favor and at this moment you see beowulf be kind hearted and faithful to his obligations to doing what's right he tells the guard “here in my heart for some way to drive this devil out “: 193 . To truly help out Herot , when he finally gets settled in night time approaches and grendel has came to eat and kill Beowulf's team . When this happens Beowulf shows a great deal of courage he “is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none “ 263 this shows Beowulf's true quality of an Anglo-Saxon hero .When grendel comes and beowulf defeats him heorot is finally free again

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